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Our Story

Only God can write a script like this one! Our podcast has flowed out of an amazing friendship that holds Jesus at the center of it.


We met on a stage as Ariel and Ursula Sworn enemies that tried to kill each other every night!

A year later, we became roommates for a semester while Andrea got ready to move to CA and Lizz was finishing an internship. That's when the adventure began!

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We came to appreciate each other's faith so much that the next logical step after endless adventures together was to get matching tattoos!

All along the way we have encouraged one another,  learned  from one another and supported each other on our faith journeys. Recently Andrea also became Catholic while Lizz has entered into full-time campus ministry.


Lizz's Story

Andrea's Story

I grew up in the Midwest all my life and only recently moved to CA after 30 years of ministry in the Protestant world. I spent 20 of those years in campus ministry after becoming a believer while in college. Joel and I have been married for almost 30 years and have the joy of four amazing kids who are all now college age and above. We are deeply thankful for all God has done through us and in our family. Empty nest is a new stage and God has moved us to a new state. I wonder what is next?​

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I just finished my Master's degree in Speech Pathology and was gearing up to compete in Miss Indiana when the Lord called! He called me to be His missionary and to give Him my Fiat (yes)! 

A priest shared with me the story of the rich young man, the parable I had heard many times before. This time it resonated deep within my heart. The rich young man asked what he needed to do to gain eternal life. Looking at him, Jesus felt a love for him and said to him, "One thing you lack: go and sell all you possess and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven and come, follow Me." The young man walked away sad because he owned a lot of things. I realized I was the rich young man. In the eyes of the world, I had so many things going for me, yet Jesus tells me that I will receive greater treasures by following Him and winning souls for Christ. So with a heart like Mary, I gave Him my Fiat and said "Behold I am the handmaiden of the Lord, let it be done unto me according to thy word."

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